I truly am convinced that healing is the number one aspect we can accomplish for ourselves. So many programs have been ruling us throughout the Aeon, but energies are changing, and asking questions is the beginning of the journey within. Anything can be healed and transformed if you want it bad enough. The question I propose to you is DO YOU REALLY WANT TO HEAL?

Astrological Blue Print Natal Chart Breakdown

This service will dive into the deeper disposition of your psychological makeup. Unveiling the mysteries of how your personal templating works, your blueprint on the solar spiral. This art of gnosis is foundational for transmutation and inner-standing your personal solar spiral, they are keys to unlocking the gates through the process of HIGH PLANETARY MAGICK ATTAINING TO THE IGNITION OF HEART CORE INTELLIGENCE.


Intuitive Tarot Reading

This service is an esoteric reading of the energies within your reality field. To understand the tarot you need to know the zero to nine path. This art of gnosis is about mastering human consciousness. I will also reveal certain secrets to alter magick. This system of gnosis is so acurate and will reveal what may be hidden that you can not see.




Rune Reading

The Runes are the makeup of the cosmos, the universal axioms. The word Rune means to whisper. This art of gnosis will reveal what’s been woven on the web of wyrd in your life. Whether you’re aware of it or not the rune energy will reveal fate and also help you to untie the hidden aspects of your journey. These ancestral energies will reveal how to unweave what’s been woven and help to reweave bringing things into alignment with intention and action.




Nine Worlds Of Yggdrasil reading

This reading will give you an full overview of your energy bodies. I use the runes together with tarot and energy tools to formulate an accurate depiction of how your energy systems are working together. This is a powerful revelation. Not only to your strengths and weaknesses but also how to recalibrate to alignment.




Counseling Services

No matter what you’re going through it can be healed and freedom can be not only actualized but realized and come into manifestation. Your life can truly be free if you’re willing to face the mirror. This service embodies an intuitive counseling session to show you the door but only you can walk through it. 



Synastry Chart

The composite chart is a fusion of two charts into one. Its usually used for partnerships. It reveals the composite energies in relationship to strengths, weaknesses and purpose. This tool is highly recommended for couples or business partners to bring recalibration to balance and alignment to the partnership.